Dr. Christian Kampichler

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Projekte / Projects / Proyectos


Title: Risks and threats of Dutch bird populations
Funding agency: Vogelbescherming Nederland
Function: Collaborator
Place of realisation: NIOO-KNAW Vogeltrekstation

Evaluation of the landscape and functional connectivity for Jaguars of the corridor between the JCUs of Calakmul and Terminos Lagoon
Funding agency: Wildlife Conservation Society
Function: Collaborator
Place of realisation: División Académica de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco

Distribution and Diversity Patterns of Wildlife in Villahermosa
Funding agency: SEP-PIFI (Programme for Institutional Improvement of the Mexican Ministry of Public Education)
Function: Collaborator
Place of realisation: División Académica de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco

Simulation of distributional area expansion of the coyote (Canis latrans) in Yucatan peninsula – a proposal applying individual based movement models)
Funding agency: CONACyT (Mexican Cientific Funding Agency)
Function: Collaborator
Place of realisation: División Académica de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco

Preparación de un banco de información para el análisis de patrones de diversidad de aves en el sureste de México (Preparation of a database for the analysis of bird diversity patterns in the Southeast of Mexico
Financed by employer
Function: Head of project
Place of realisation: División Académica de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco

Uso de métodos de la inteligencia artificial para el desarrollo de modelos de abundancia y distribución de vertebrados en peligro de extinción (Application of artificial intelligence methods for the development of abundance and distribution models of endangered vertebrate species)
Funding agency: PromeP (Programme for the Improvement of University Teachers of the Mexican Ministry of Public Education)
Function: Head of project
Place of realisation: División Académica de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco

Base de conocimientos para la toma de decisiones de uso del suelo en la Frontera Sur de México (A knowledge base for land use decision making at the Southern Border of Mexico)
Funding agency: CONACyT-SEMARNAT (Mexican Cientific Funding Agency and Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources)
Function: Collaborator
Place of realisation: El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Unidad Villahermosa, Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico

Der Einfluß der Beweidung durch Kleinarthropoden auf Wachstumsstrategien holzabbauender Pilz (Influence of microarthropod grazing on growth-strategies of wood-decomposing fungi) in cooperation with Prof. Lynne Boddy, University Cardiff, Wales
Funding agency: DFG (German Cientific Funding Agency)
Function: Head of project
Place of realisation: Institute of Biology, Free University Berlin

Die Erfassung der Diversität von Mikroarthropoden in den Baumkronen temperater Wälder (Inventory of microarthropod diversity in the canopy of temperate forests)
Financed by employer
Function: Head of project
Place of realisation: Institute of Biology, Free University Berlin

Einfluss von erhöhter atmosphärischer CO2-Konzentration auf Gallenbildner und Blattminierer in einem temperaten Mischwald (Impact of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration on gall-forming and leaf-mining insects in a temperate mixed forest) in cooperation with Prof. Christian Körner and the Swiss Canopy Crane, University Basel, Switzerland
Financed by employer
Function: Head of project
Place of realisation: Institute of Biology, Free University Berlin

Beziehungen zwischen regionaler und lokaler Artenzahl epigäischer Trockenrasencollembolen (The relationship between regional and local species richness of surface-dwelling Collembola in dry grassland)
Financed by employer
Function: Head of project
Place of realisation: Institute of Zoology, University of Vienna

Entwicklung vergleichender funktionaler Modelle von Tiergesellschaften in unterschiedlichen Nutzungssystemen und ihrem Einfluß auf Pflanzenwachstum und Nährstoffdynamik (Development of comparative functional models of animal communities in different land-use systems and their influence on plant growth and nutrient dynamics)
Funding agency: German Federal Ministry of Science and Research and the Freistaat Bavaria
Function: Research officer
Place of realisation: Institute of Soil Ecology, GSF National Research Centre for Environment and Health

Erhöhte atmosphärische CO2-Konzentration und erhöhte Temperatur in terrestrischen Modellökosystemen: Auswirkungen auf Biomasse, Respiration und enzymatische Aktivität der Bodenmikroflora (Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and elevated temperature in terrestrial model ecosystems: effects on biomass, respiration and enzymatic activity of soil microflora) in cooperation with the NERC Centre of Population Biology at Silwood Park, England, linked to the programme Simulating global environmental change in model terrestrial ecosystems: the effects of enhanced temperature and carbone dioxide
Funding agency: Austrian Academy of Sciences
Function: Head of project
Place of realisation: Institute of Zoology, University of Vienna

Untersuchung von Interaktionen zwischen Boden-Mesofauna und Mikroflora mit Mesokosmen: Optimierung der Methode und Abschätzung von Nebeneffekten (Investigating interactions between soil mesofauna and microflora by means of mesocosms: optimisation of the method and identification of side-effects)
Funding agency: Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Traffic
Function: Co-head of project
Place of realisation: Institute of Zoology, University of Vienna

Verfügbarer Lebensraum für die Mesofauna (Collembolen, Milben) im Grobporenraum des Bodens (Available habitat space for Collembola and mites in coarse soil pores)
Funding agency: Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research
Function: Head of project Place of realisation: Institute of Zoology, University of Vienna

Freiland-Mesokosmosversuchsreihe zur Untersuchung des Einflusses von Collembolen, Milben und Enchytraeiden auf Mikroflora und Nährstoffdynamik in land- und forstwirtschaftlich genutzten Böden (Field mesocosms for investigations of microarthropod influence on microflora and nutrient dynamics in agricultural and forest soils)
Funding agency: Austrian federal Ministry of Science and Research
Function: Co-head of project
Place of realisation: Institute of Zoology, University of Vienna

Untersuchungen zur Populationsökologie der Evertebraten- und Vogelfauna im Schilfgürtel des Neusiedler Sees (Population ecology of invertebrates and birds in the reed belt of Lake Neusiedl)
Funding agency: AGN National Park Consortium Lake Neusiedl and the Office of the Government of the Land Burgenland
Function: Research officer
Place of realisation: Institute of Zoology, University of Vienna

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