Dr. Christian Kampichler |
| Publikationen
| Projekte | Lehre
Curriculum vitae
Date and place of birth: 5 February 1959, Wien, Austria
1965-1969 Primary School in Wien, A-1150, Benedikt-Schellinger-Gasse 1-3
1969-1977 Secondary School: Bundesrealgymnasium VII, A-1070 Wien, Kandlgasse 39, A level: "excellent"
1978-1987 Study of Biology (major: Zoology, minor: Botany) at the University of Vienna; Dissertation: "Ökologie der Tiergemeinschaft in den Polstern der Federnelke Dianthus lumnitzeri Wiesbaur 1886 in den Trockenrasen der Hainburger Berge" (Ecology of the animal community in the cushions of Dianthus lumnitzeri Wiesbaur 1886 in dry calcareous grassland in the Hainburg Mountains) (Supervision: Univ.-Doz.Dr.W.Waitzbauer)
1990-1991 University of Vienna, Austria (work contract)
1992-1993, 1995-1/1996 University of Vienna, Austria (scientific employee)
3/1996-6/1998 GSF National Research Centre for Environment and Health, Germany (scientific employee)
7/1998-9/2002 Free University of Berlin, Germany (scientific employee)
Stays abroad:
4/2002 - 7/2002 short-term lectureship at the Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Unidad Villahermosa, Mexico
1/2003-5/2003 short-term lectureship at the Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Unidad Villahermosa, Mexico
Scientific meetings with contributions
Other information:
2001-2002 Member of the board of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria
and Switzerland
| Publikationen
| Projekte | Lehre
| Publications
| Projects | Teaching
| Publicaciones
| Proyectos | Ensenanza
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